Crazy about SEO

Marketing Services

Axolot Agency

Online Marketing is essential for your business.

We plan your image and your digital marketing campaigns and carry out multiple creative actions to promote your brand, product or service.

Digital marketing is essential for your business:

  • Flexibility and dynamism
  • More economical than other media
  • Increased segmentation capacity
  • Allows to create branding
  • Allows you to create a community

Servicios de Marketing Online



SEO is the process of improving the visibility of a website in the organic results of different search engines.


We create advertising campaigns on Google Ads, Facebook Ads and other online search engines to reach your customers faster.

Social Networks

We offer you the development and maintenance of your brand in social networks. We create promotional and different contents.

Graphic Design Services



We create or redesign your brand logo to adapt it to new trends and digital platforms such as an online store, Instagram and Facebook.


We create your brand image, a corporate manual and stationery. We base our work on your brand identity and highlight “that” that makes you different. 

3D Animation

We offer 3D product design services as well as specialized graphic design, 3D animations, videos or realistic images of your product, etc.

Axolot Agency

Your culture is your brand.

We know different techniques to make your business reach many people.

Everything you need to know about online marketing

Online Marketing

We believe that knowing your digital business from the inside is important, so you will find below general information about online marketing. An online business requires dedication, just like a physical business and if we want to achieve results, it is important to understand how the digital environment works and set goals focused on meeting real and current needs.

If you have any questions about SEO or want to know how it can help your business, we will be happy to inform you of the possibilities it offers and see how it can be applied to your project.

What is online marketing?

Online marketing is a way of promoting products or services using the internet as a means of dissemination. This can include activities such as search engine optimization, social media advertising, content marketing and other types of strategies that aim to reach a specific audience through the Internet. Online marketing has become an important tool for companies today, as it allows them to reach a large number of people efficiently and at a low cost.

What is online marketing for?

Online marketing has several objectives, depending on the company and its specific needs. In general, online marketing can help companies to:

  • Improve the positioning of a brand or product on the Internet, which can increase traffic to a website and, therefore, generate more potential customers.
  • Facilitate interaction with the public, which can help create a community of followers and build customer loyalty.
  • Measure the impact of marketing campaigns, as online marketing allows you to collect data and analyze user behavior to see which strategies are most effective and how to improve them.
  • Reduce promotion costs, since online marketing allows reaching a large number of people efficiently and at a low cost.
  • Increase sales and revenue, as a good online marketing strategy can help attract more potential customers and convert them into actual customers.

Online marketing services

There are several services related to online marketing that can be offered by specialized companies or by independent professionals. Some of these services include:

  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO)Optimization: It consists of optimizing a website so that it appears in the first positions of the search results in search engines such as Google.
  • Social media advertising: Consists of using platforms such as Facebook, Instagram or Twitter to display ads to a specific audience.
  • Content marketing: It consists of creating and sharing relevant content for a specific audience with the objective of attracting and retaining customers.
  • Web page design: It consists of creating attractive and functional websites that help showcase a company’s brand or products effectively.
  • Data analysis: Consists of collecting and analyzing data about user behavior on the Internet to identify patterns and make informed decisions about marketing strategies.

These are just a few examples of online marketing services, but there are many others that can be offered depending on the needs of each company.

Most used online marketing tools

There are many tools that can be used in online marketing, and some of the most common include:

  • Google Analytics: A free tool that allows companies to collect and analyze data about the traffic on their website, such as the number of visits, the origin of users and the time spent on the site.
  • HootsuiteA tool that allows companies to manage their social media accounts and schedule posts for multiple platforms at the same time.
  • Mailchimp: A tool that allows companies to create and send mass email campaigns easily and with different customization options.
  • Canva: A tool that allows companies to create attractive graphics and designs easily, even if they have no design skills.
  • Ahrefs: A tool that allows companies to perform SEO analysis and see how their website is ranking compared to the competition.

These are just some of the online marketing tools available, but there are many others that can be used depending on the needs of each company.

Online marketing techniques you can apply to your business

Online marketing is constantly evolving and new techniques and approaches emerge on a regular basis. Some of the latest trends in online marketing include:

  • Content marketing focused on storytelling: Instead of focusing on selling products or services directly, many companies are using stories to connect emotionally with potential customers and attract their attention.
  • Influencer marketing: This consists of collaborating with influencers, or people who have a large number of followers on social networks, to promote a brand or product in a more natural and credible way.
  • Voice Search Marketing: With the increased use of devices such as smart speakers, more and more people are using voice search to find information on the internet. This has led to an increase in the use of SEO techniques optimized for voice search.
  • Augmented reality marketing: This consists of using augmented reality technology to offer interactive and surprising experiences to users, such as the possibility of seeing what a product would look like in their home before buying it.
  • Social action marketing: This consists of involving customers in social or environmental initiatives with the aim of generating an emotional connection with the brand and fostering customer loyalty.


These are just some of the latest trends in online marketing, but the industry continues to evolve and new techniques are emerging.

Beneficios de una buena estrategia de marketing online

El marketing online tiene varios beneficios tanto para las empresas como para los consumidores. Algunos de los beneficios más importantes incluyen:

  • Mayor alcance: El marketing online permite a las empresas llegar a un público mucho más amplio que el marketing tradicional, ya que internet está disponible en prácticamente cualquier parte del mundo y puede ser accedido desde cualquier dispositivo con conexión a internet.
  • Mayor precisión en el targeting: El marketing online permite a las empresas mostrar sus anuncios a un público específico que tenga intereses o necesidades relacionados con sus productos o servicios, lo que aumenta la efectividad de las campañas.
  • Mayor medibilidad: El marketing online permite a las empresas recopilar y analizar datos sobre el comportamiento de los usuarios en internet, lo que les permite medir el impacto de sus campañas y tomar decisiones informadas sobre cómo mejorarlas.
  • Mayor flexibilidad: El marketing online permite a las empresas cambiar o actualizar sus campañas en tiempo real, lo que les da una gran flexibilidad para adaptarse a las necesidades o preferencias de los clientes.
  • Mayor eficiencia en términos de costos: El marketing online es generalmente más económico que el marketing tradicional, ya que permite llegar a un gran número de personas de manera eficiente y a un bajo costo.


Además, el marketing online también puede tener beneficios para los consumidores, como la posibilidad de acceder a una gran cantidad de información y opciones en un solo lugar, así como la facilidad para comparar precios y encontrar ofertas y descuentos.

Pasos para realizar una estrategia de marketing online

Los pasos para hacer una campaña de marketing online pueden variar dependiendo de la empresa y de sus objetivos específicos, pero en general se pueden seguir los siguientes pasos:

  1. Establecer objetivos claros: Antes de empezar a planificar una campaña de marketing online, es importante tener una idea clara de qué se quiere lograr y cómo se medirá el éxito.

  2. Identificar el público objetivo: Es importante conocer a la audiencia a la que se quiere llegar con la campaña de marketing online, ya que esto ayudará a elegir las estrategias y canales adecuados.

  3. Crear un contenido atractivo y relevante: El contenido es la base de cualquier campaña de marketing online, por lo que es importante crear contenido que sea atractivo y relevante para el público objetivo.

  4. Elegir los canales adecuados: Dependiendo del público objetivo y del tipo de contenido, es importante elegir los canales adecuados para difundir la campaña de marketing online, como redes sociales, correo electrónico o publicidad en buscadores.

  5. Medir y analizar los resultados: Una vez que se ha lanzado la campaña de marketing online, es importante medir y analizar los resultados para ver qué estrategias funcionan mejor y cómo mejorarlas.

Estos son solo algunos ejemplos de pasos generales que se pueden seguir para hacer una campaña de marketing online, pero el proceso puede variar dependiendo de las necesidades y objetivos de cada empresa.

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